Pablo Viana says: (8:45:09 PM)

Hi Ann,

Pablo Viana says: (8:45:23 PM)

sorry for the late. says: (8:46:02 PM)

no problem, it isn't that late for me =)  Just you =(

Pablo Viana says: (8:46:37 PM)

:). That's ok. I prefer to stay late than wake up early :) says: (8:47:00 PM)

me too says: (8:47:16 PM)

i am not a morning person....i am sure you could tell that considering i never got to UCR before 10

Pablo Viana says: (8:47:56 PM)

No one but Jason used to go before 10am

Pablo Viana says: (8:48:04 PM)

I am looking for the things you asked me. says: (8:48:09 PM)

thank you =)

Pablo Viana says: (8:52:32 PM)

Ann, can I answer by here?

Pablo Viana says: (8:53:04 PM)

Or do you prefer by email? says: (8:53:39 PM)

here is fine, the only problem is that I can't try it out.  I am at home on my lap top.  But i think that will be okay

Pablo Viana says: (8:54:15 PM)

Firstly, let me clarify about the 17k configurations experiment... says: (8:54:40 PM)

okay, because some of the input/output files i did not understand

Pablo Viana says: (8:55:59 PM)

You are right, when read the file res_keogh_17k.txt. You know the remaing configs that were selected. Your question is how to correlate that number with the original configuration number says: (8:56:11 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (8:56:37 PM)

I assume you have the file select_out17k.sci , right? says: (8:56:59 PM)

just a sec, let me log on to school so I can look at it.... says: (8:57:52 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (8:58:25 PM)

this is routine in Scilab to prune the configuration space from 17k down to 26 (in this case) configs, which are the ones that were best for at least one application. Do u see what I mean? says: (8:58:41 PM)

yes, that is what I figured it did says: (8:59:21 PM)

and selected_norm_17k.txt has 26 lines, so those are the 26 configs 

Pablo Viana says: (9:01:49 PM)

Okay, when run this routine it outputs the 26 selected configs. You just have to note down them. the first is config 6, the second is 14, and so on. The 26th is the last, which is the config  15342 says: (9:02:25 PM)

oh, i see.  When i run the script, scilab will print that information to the screen

Pablo Viana says: (9:02:28 PM)

what I just said is the output on the screen of the routine

Pablo Viana says: (9:03:07 PM)

The txt file that you just mentioned is the normalized energy of the selected configs. says: (9:03:13 PM)

got it

Pablo Viana says: (9:03:15 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (9:04:38 PM)

notice that this first prune step was needed due to the huge entry of 17k. In our first experiment, with 18 configs (single-level) this pre-step is not necessary, though says: (9:04:49 PM)

got it. says: (9:04:52 PM)

one question... says: (9:05:27 PM)

I remember that we had an ordering of the configurations, but I don't remember what that ordering was so I don't know how to figure out what configuration 4 is for example

Pablo Viana says: (9:06:27 PM)

config 4 in the 17k? says: (9:06:33 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (9:06:41 PM)

let me see in here says: (9:07:14 PM)

i guess that isn't really necessary cuz i am not going to have to do the pruning step, but I am just curious anyway

Pablo Viana says: (9:08:00 PM)

thats ok, it is just a matter of finding the ordered xls says: (9:08:22 PM)

oh yeah, i forgot about that

Pablo Viana says: (9:09:04 PM)

The order was established by your data files says: (9:09:27 PM)

oh yeah! i know where those are...hang on says: (9:10:29 PM)

I found it.

Pablo Viana says: (9:10:41 PM)

Nice says: (9:10:46 PM)

okay, so now I get that part =)

Pablo Viana says: (9:11:33 PM)

Good. Now can we turn to the single-level turn :)? says: (9:11:42 PM)

one more question...

Pablo Viana says: (9:11:53 PM)

sure says: (9:12:19 PM)

actually, maybe 2 more questions.  what is the configs_17k.txt file for? says: (9:12:57 PM)

and configs_26out_of17k.txt

Pablo Viana says: (9:15:58 PM)

good question. Those files give to the clustering algorithm the layout of the configurations in the 2D space. It guides the agorithm about the merging of adjacent configs. says: (9:16:33 PM)

that is all that I remembered about those files.  if it isn't important for me to really understand them, then that explanation is fine

Pablo Viana says: (9:17:03 PM)

for example, remember the 18 configs layout, where you organize in a table of 3 columns and 6 lines the configs that have parameters in common? says: (9:17:20 PM)

yes says: (9:17:39 PM)

i see, this has to do with merging of configurations

Pablo Viana says: (9:18:50 PM)

Exactly. So, the  configs_17k.txt is not used any more, becase not every config is used. Instead, you must use the configs_26out_of17k.txt says: (9:19:14 PM)

ah...i see how says: (9:19:28 PM)

the configs_17k.txt is used for the exhaustive algorithm

Pablo Viana says: (9:19:42 PM)

Notice that the layout may impact on the final merging, but it did not really changes the quality of the result says: (9:19:57 PM)

that is interesting

Pablo Viana says: (9:20:12 PM)

Yes, it would be useful if we consider the exaustive

Pablo Viana says: (9:20:50 PM)

The layout is just a hand that we give to the algorithm to help it out says: (9:21:00 PM)

got it =)

Pablo Viana says: (9:21:45 PM)

I tried once to make a layout simply putting one config under the other, and the outcome was ok

Pablo Viana says: (9:22:04 PM)

So, dont worry about the right position. says: (9:22:17 PM)

okay says: (9:22:52 PM)

i assume when we start talking about the single level stuff, you will have the correct input file for that right so I won't have to make it on my own =) says: (9:23:05 PM)

although it is only 18 configs, I want to make sure it is the same as the DAC stuff says: (9:23:23 PM)

btw, i will send you an email this weekend telling you what frank and I are working on 

Pablo Viana says: (9:24:11 PM)

good. I'll be waiting for the email.

Pablo Viana says: (9:24:44 PM)

Okay, let me send you the file that you want says: (9:24:53 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (9:26:10 PM)

If I am not wrong, the 18 configs experiment separates I$ and D$, huh? says: (9:26:17 PM)

yes says: (9:27:21 PM)

so i would run the clusting algorithm twice..once on the I$ data and once on the D$ data, right?

Pablo Viana says: (9:27:38 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (9:28:11 PM)

Just curious: have you got a headset? says: (9:28:21 PM)

sorry =( says: (9:28:26 PM)

that would help if I did

Pablo Viana says: (9:29:00 PM)

maybe would be nice. I have one down here. Thats ok, no problem.

Pablo Viana says: (9:29:46 PM)

About the 18 configs, you need to to run the routine "bottom_up_18.sci" says: (9:30:32 PM)

i don't have that one

Pablo Viana says: (9:32:08 PM)

I am going to email you right now. It also needs the input files "percent_i.txt" and "percent_d.txt"which contains the normalized energy increase compared to the optimal config. It is equivalent to the normalized input files of the 17k experiment says: (9:32:33 PM)

i see

Pablo Viana says: (9:33:13 PM)

finally, you're gonna need the "configs_18.txt" with the layout. Ok, please hang on while I send you the files... says: (9:34:06 PM)

no problem, not going anywhere =)  (well, i am going to go and brush my teeth shortly but that is it) says: (9:35:48 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (9:37:08 PM)

I assume 'brb' means "being right back". Am I right?

Pablo Viana says: (9:40:28 PM)

ainda escovando os dentes? :D

Pablo Viana says: (9:41:11 PM)

I just sent you the email

Pablo Viana says: (9:47:43 PM)

are you still there? 8-) says: (9:50:13 PM)

yes, brb means "be right back" (you were close enough) says: (9:50:50 PM)

i got your email

Pablo Viana says: (9:51:33 PM)

wow! I was close :) It was my first time with this term says: (9:51:52 PM)

good guess =) says: (9:52:52 PM)

okay, the the percent files have 1 line for each configuration and each entry on each line is for a particular benchmark right?

Pablo Viana says: (9:53:17 PM)

right says: (9:53:35 PM)

and the numbers in configs_18.txt match up with the table in the DAC paper

Pablo Viana says: (9:54:08 PM)

yep says: (9:54:50 PM)

cool, i think i got it then

Pablo Viana says: (9:55:37 PM)

beautiful. says: (9:56:03 PM)

thank you very much for the help =)

Pablo Viana says: (9:57:21 PM)

you're very welcome. I am proud you guys are still interested in the work we have done says: (9:57:35 PM)

and i will definitely send you an email on what we are doing.  it is on phased based reconfiguration.  so the configuration changes during the run of the application.  actually, let me email you my DAC paper and then i will send you an email later with more details says: (9:58:23 PM)

no, I should be thanking you for coming up here to work with me.  your few months up here has lead to so many ideas and many more papers to come.  this is the most productive collaboration =)

Pablo Viana says: (10:00:39 PM)

I am very grateful to your collaboration. For sure, if I had not gone to UCR o work with you guys I would never get my thesis done.

Pablo Viana says: (10:00:59 PM)

Let me see your dac submission says: (10:01:06 PM)

i am glad we have been so beneficial to eachother =) says: (10:01:10 PM)

i just sent it

Pablo Viana says: (10:02:09 PM)

surely. I hope NSF and CNPq may realize that and give us financial support to our research in the next couple years says: (10:02:39 PM)

i hope so.  i would like to be able to visit you one day

Pablo Viana says: (10:04:21 PM)

I just dont understand how do you get time to write so many papers :). thats amazing says: (10:05:19 PM)

i don't know how i do it either.  it really is frank pushing me that does it.  i always think i don't have enough for a paper but some how we pull it off.  that paper was another one of those multiple all nighers says: (10:06:09 PM)

the stuff I am working on right now may make for a very quick paper if the results look good says: (10:06:20 PM)

perhaps 2 weeks worth of work at the most

Pablo Viana says: (10:07:10 PM)

I am going to print out your paper to read this weekend

Pablo Viana says: (10:07:28 PM)

and so be updated with your work says: (10:08:29 PM)

sounds good. the paper really is preliminary work so there will be much more to come, but most likely not until next year since interview time will start soon and between now and then you and I have a paper and a journal to work on and I want to do a journal paper based on our DATE paper too says: (10:08:35 PM)

I forgot to tell you that i think =) says: (10:08:42 PM)

so now we have 3 papers to work on =)

Pablo Viana says: (10:08:51 PM)

Frank really motivate us to write up the papers. He is an incredible advisor. says: (10:09:24 PM)

it is a good thing because many students don't publish nearly enough. it can be annoying at times too but i think it is worth it

Pablo Viana says: (10:11:27 PM)

I see. hey, Ann, I am in with you guys. I had a meeting thos last week to decide about my schedule next semester. I was blessed with the new timetable :D says: (10:11:56 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (10:12:06 PM)

Surely I will have a confortable time to do research. Much more than this hard year says: (10:12:10 PM)

your school should be happy you want to do all this research and publish so much says: (10:12:37 PM)

I completely understand.  The first quarter i taught it was very difficult and I was only teaching one class

Pablo Viana says: (10:13:07 PM)

Actually, the campus that I want to move in may be interested in these pubs. says: (10:13:58 PM)

that is good, then the more that you have the better it will be

Pablo Viana says: (10:14:02 PM)

please, what does "multiple all nighers" mean? says: (10:14:48 PM)

ah, sorry =)  I mean I stayed up all night (all-nighter) for many nights (multiple times)

Pablo Viana says: (10:17:58 PM)

good to know. Thanks. says: (10:18:29 PM)

you get to learn all sorts of good things =) says: (10:19:00 PM)

i will keep using slang terms and you just ask when you don't know what they mean

Pablo Viana says: (10:20:13 PM)

I appreciate it :) Thanks. You know what? I am watching movies in English to exercise the spoken vocabulary says: (10:20:55 PM)

that is a great idea

Pablo Viana says: (10:22:10 PM)

I turn the captions on to read the words while listening the sound. So I get the real world expressions used by the americans says: (10:22:35 PM)

that way you won't get rusty

Pablo Viana says: (10:23:37 PM)

Talking about 'rusty', this last week I watched the movie "Cars" by Pixar. says: (10:23:48 PM)

i haven't seen that yet, but i want to.  did you like it?

Pablo Viana says: (10:24:42 PM)

Yes, sure. It is all about the Californian style of life. You'll feel it. says: (10:25:07 PM)

i will let you know when i see it says: (10:25:17 PM)

i liked finding nemo

Pablo Viana says: (10:25:41 PM)

I like very much of the movies that makes me remeber of my californian times.

Pablo Viana says: (10:25:58 PM)

Finding Nemo is beautiful. says: (10:26:32 PM)

is it a definite that you will be out here in June or is that depending on whether or not you get funding?

Pablo Viana says: (10:28:03 PM)

It is completely dependent on the fundings from the cooperation project. If we get it, I will be there. says: (10:28:23 PM)

i will keep my fingers crossed =) says: (10:28:32 PM)

is Nice a definite or is that the same thing?

Pablo Viana says: (10:30:32 PM)

I am really looking forward to seeing you guys soon. Besides that, put my feet in California again is always a great experience

Pablo Viana says: (10:32:02 PM)

I'll only have a position about Nice in late February, when the grant agency anounces whether or not it is going to support me says: (10:32:31 PM)

i see, well, I will keep my fingers crossed on that one too =)

Pablo Viana says: (10:32:48 PM)

That is a pity. I wish to have a good project to support these travels more easely

Pablo Viana says: (10:33:17 PM)

Thank you very much for your cheering. says: (10:33:20 PM)

i understand, it is hard to get money.  i am luck that frank gets good grants says: (10:33:23 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (10:34:49 PM)

is the usage of "cheer" okay? I just learned this term to translate a portuguese term says: (10:35:43 PM)

yes, you used it correctly but I am not sure if it would actually be used in that context says: (10:36:08 PM)

you would most likely say "thank you for cheering me on" says: (10:36:35 PM)

but that still isn't quite the correct response.  I mean it makes sense but i don't think anyone would say it says: (10:36:39 PM)

lets see... says: (10:37:00 PM)

i don't know....I guess "thanks for the good wishes"

Pablo Viana says: (10:37:58 PM)

Okay :) That's funny. says: (10:38:12 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (10:39:01 PM)

Its hard to think in a different language. BTW, how are your French? says: (10:39:28 PM)

i don't know any French except for a few words.  but it doesn't matter, everyone speaks english says: (10:39:36 PM)

i can say hello, and thank you says: (10:39:41 PM)

and do you speak english

Pablo Viana says: (10:43:10 PM)

Com'on. Speak the language of the country is a very exciting experience. Mainly when the native nas no knowledge about english or portuguese says: (10:43:56 PM)

i know, I wish i knew other languages and I have had good intentions in the past, but I just never have the time to really do it says: (10:44:10 PM)

i know, it is a copout 

Pablo Viana says: (10:48:29 PM)

I completely understand. I never attend a language school, because I never had time. But just when I needed to go to US work with you guys, had to be day in day out studying hard. says: (10:48:49 PM)

and you did a good job too =) says: (10:49:01 PM)

do you know a lot of French?

Pablo Viana says: (10:50:48 PM)

Thanks. But when I find problems to speak or understand something in english I see how much I still need to do. says: (10:51:24 PM)

the things you don't know really are just things that you wouldn't learn unless you lived here for an extended period of time

Pablo Viana says: (10:52:05 PM)

I dont speak French. But it is something that excites me. I read something in magazines when I get a chance says: (10:53:02 PM)

if you get to go to France, that will motivate you to learn more =)

Pablo Viana says: (10:53:26 PM)

I like to analyze your sentences to see the structure and so use that next time. I am like a parrot :D says: (10:54:20 PM)

i wouldn't necessarily say that I use good english structure in the formal sense, but if you are looking for conversational english, I can help you out there =)  

Pablo Viana says: (10:55:14 PM)

:). That is what I really need, Ann. The things that we cant find in books. says: (10:55:31 PM)

very true says: (10:55:41 PM)

you can sorta get it from movies

Pablo Viana says: (10:57:49 PM)

Okay, I got the "sorta"  :) . says: (10:57:59 PM)


Pablo Viana says: (10:58:58 PM)

Hey, Ann. I need to go bed. Is there something else I may help you? says: (10:59:52 PM)

it is getting pretty late for you, almost my bedtime here even.  Nope, nothing else I need. thanks for the help at this late hour =)  i'll talk to you again soon.  Just to remind you, I will be leaving on vacation on the 21st and I won't be back until January 5th

Pablo Viana says: (11:02:14 PM)

So do I :). Talk to you soon, gnight! says: (11:02:31 PM)

gnite =)

Pablo Viana says: (11:03:05 PM)

This one I learned in "Cars" :). Bye, thanks